Xeon International appoints Giancarlo d`Elia as Managing Director of Xeon International Private Equity division

Xeon International Private Equity is the Private Equity unit of Xeon International, in charge of defining and steering the investment policy of XEON Fund, a multilevel SIF incorporated in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg under the supervision of the local supervisory financial authority (CSSF, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier).

Focus of the investment strategy will be the emerging markets of the Asia-Pacific and other fast growing regions of the world.

“Creating value for investors while building local industrial champions with performance excellence” is the strategic objective of XIPE, comments Giancarlo d’Elia, Managing Director at XIPE Management,
with Investment targets in the first phase for fast growing medium-sized enterprises but as well energy and real estate sectors, adds Giancarlo.

“Giancarlo was prior to the appointment, already the Chief Financial Officer at Xeon International and before that, he was handling the Corporate Finance Division, comments Yves Duponselle, CEO at Xeon International, “Giancarlo will be the guardian of our investors interest, he is savvy and has a 360° view on the business.” “Xeon International will take care of the world-wide distribution rights of XeonFund”, added Yves Duponselle, “and supervise the distribution agreements made with local players through our global distribution network.”

Mr d’Elia is expected to disclose some more information at a later stage about his team and the Partner alliances he managed to close over the last months.

Xeon International aims to create long-term business value for its clients and investors by offering a unique blend of result-oriented, risk sharing strategic value creation and implementation services. It operates within four functional areas: Private Equity – Corporate Finance – Growth Management Advisory and Family Office Services.

Our teams consist mainly of experienced managers with deep theoretical and practical knowledge of their areas of specialisation which ensures rapid comprehension of relevant strategic and operational issues and a solid implementation of solutions. We devise innovative and result-oriented ways to create business value for our clients and investors.