Xeon Fund SIF SICAV SA launches RECAP and ENERCAP

Xeon Fund is the Private Equity fund of Xeon international launched last year in Luxembourg with it’s sub funds in the Real Estate (RECAP) Hospitality and listed building Industry and in Alternative Energies (ENERCAP).
Xeon International Private Equity  division is currently staging a roadshow to attract investors.
“Investors are reacting enthusiastically at participating in promising investments through regulated Private Equity vehicles and they are very keen on securing profitable opportunities in the medium term” says Giancarlo d’Elia – Chief Private Equity Officer at Xeon International.

” The ENERCAP and RECAP Fund will be “on tour” for the next couple of months. Giancarlo adds. We have some interesting asset classes that are combining the best of both worlds as the fund is regulated in Luxembourg, today’s second largest hub in the world for fund management , and it invests directly in the growing industries, such as niche Real Estate and Alternative Energies.”

Xeon International aims to create long-term business value for its clients and investors by offering a unique blend of result-oriented, risk sharing strategic value creation and implementation services. It operates within four functional areas: Private Equity – Corporate Finance – Growth Management Advisory and Family Office Services.

Our teams consist mainly of experienced managers with deep theoretical and practical knowledge of their areas of specialisation which ensures rapid comprehension of relevant strategic and operational issues and a solid implementation of solutions. We devise innovative and result-oriented ways to create business value for our clients and investors.