Today, more than one billion people lack access to safe and clean drinking water.
Population growth, urbanisation, migration and industrialisation, along with increased production and consumption, have generated ever-increasing demands for freshwater resources.
Demand for clean water is projected to increase in all sectors of production (UNESCO WWAP) and by 2030 the world is expected to face a 40% global water deficit under the Business As Usual scenario (UNESCO 2030 WRG).
The MENA (Middle East North Africa) region is among the most highly water stressed region in the world. The water scarcity in the MENA region will grow from 277 billion m3 per year in 2010 to 450 billion m3 per year in 2050.
At the 2015 World Economic forum in Davos, WATER security emerged as the NUMBER ONE global risk in terms of development impact.
SEACAP Fund, a Private Equity fund operating from Luxembourg and available only to “Well Informed Investors” created a unique business model to address the clean water shortages in the MENA region.
“We have a Corporate social responsibility towards our next generation”, comments Yves Duponselle, CEO at Xeon International. “We believe that it is important to add additional criteria to what we define today as a good investment.” “Through SEACAP, we invest in projects with a significant environmental and social impact without compromising on investor returns.” “Indeed Water production facilities in MENA contribute to the local environment and to it’s local community.”
SEACAP Fund has access to state-of-the-art, proprietary, Swiss technologies which gives the Fund a tremendous competitive advantage in the clean water supply industry. “The Fund has developed a unique “mobile water desalination plant” concept which guarantees prompt reaction on the limited tender procedures that are common practice with the local authorities in the MENA region” comments Giancarlo d’Elia CEO at Xeon Fund. “These mobile water desalination plants reduce dramatically the emerging market investment risk associated with the water desalination plants, since plants are mobile and can easily be disassembled and moved to other locations if needed.”
Xeon International aims to create long-term business value for its clients and investors by offering a unique blend of result-oriented, risk sharing strategic value creation and implementation services. It operates within four functional areas: Corporate Finance – Private Equity – Advisory and Family Office services.